putple led christmas lights

Purple LED Christmas Lights

Why not! Purple LED Christmas Lights can add some amazing pizzazz to your Christmas party or home Christmas decor. Break out of the red/green box and go places only your imagination can take you. When Christmas light manufacturers first started using LEDs the colors seemed very dull and uninspiring. Even the white lights, which were…

solar christmas tree lights

Solar Christmas Tree Lights

This is all about blending new technology with the old fashioned Christmas traditions we have enjoyed all our lives. Now we don’t have to run extension cords all over our lawn since they are self-contained. Now you can put decorations in places you never could before because you don’t have to run long extension cords. That…

My Salsa Garden

My Salsa Garden

The Story Behind My Salsa Garden   First of all let me say that this is the only pic of my garden I have so you get to see Maggie as well. I used to grow a large garden every year. My family benefited from it greatly. I had a 20 by 40 foot plot…

faux fur tree skirt

Faux Fur Tree Skirt

My wife and I looked all over for a faux fur tree skirt. We finally found some on Amazon that filled the bill. We felt that if we’re going to the trouble to setup a real Christmas tree and have it fit the season, we would need a good looking tree skirt and there were…