Merry Brite Christmas Lights
We drove around our community the other night looking at the merry brite Christmas lights and displays. I thought it would be an enjoyable experience to view some of the pics on this post.
I enjoyed this first home especially. The various colors provide a super backdrop for the Santa and his reindeer landing on the roof.
It reminds me of an old fashioned Christmas in the cheery styling of multi colored lights, though the LED lighting of today not only saves lots on money, but it’s brighter and more brilliant than the old style incandescent lights.
An example of pink LED Christmas lights
This home has a lovely nativity scene along with some different color choices using pink LED Christmas lights and blue LED Christmas lights to surround the display..
Here are some great multi color Christmas lights.
This next display is using multi color Christmas lights to really bring home the Christmas cheer. The multi-colored lighting make the red lighting on the post stand out.
This one is all about the use of warm white Christmas lights.
I thought what this home owner did with his Christmas lights for his bushes was outstanding. The camera only gives us a scaled down view of how this really looked.
Some multi color splashes with warm white Christmas lights as the primary focus really looks good.
Later I’ll show you a home where they used mostly warm white, then mixed in cool white LED Christmas lights which made them stand out even more.
Warm white LED Christmas lights
Again we have a beautiful display using warm white LED’s with a splash of color.
The candles in the windows add so much to this scene.
Clean your lens
When I first started taking pictures of Christmas displays, I didn’t think to clean the lens of my smart phone, which is why I’m repeating the first image here.
That and I do like the Santa in his sleigh quite a lot.
I rather enjoy the effect in this case, but don’t forget that smudges and fingerprints on your lens will distort your photos. Clean it with a soft cloth and your picture taking efforts will be rewarded.
Red White and Green Christmas Lights
They used a lot of green and white in this one. Most of the green is coming from some spotlights. It creates a nice contrast to the Santa in the attic window. This coloration is a bit different from the norm, and as such quite refreshing.
A Totally merry Christmas display
Apparently the chimney is a bit to difficult for Santa visiting this house. He decided to land on the porch roof and get in through the second story. This is a great Christmas display in a lovely older home.
Candy cane Christmas lights
The home on the left has their walk adorned with candy cane lights while the one on the right is covered with warm white Christmas lights.
Peanuts Outdoor Christmas Decorations
We enjoyed this scene from the Peanuts comic strip a lot. I was a [art of the Christmas light festival at Upper Sandusky, Ohio. You can get your own Charlie Brown Christmas display here.
Multi function Christmas lights
This home has a setup complete with a contoller that co-ordinates the lighting with music. It is operated by a controller turning the lights off and on to the music. It’s the third year they’ve done it.
They have a low power FM transmitter that you can tune your car radio to to get the sound effects.
Christmas in New Orleans

This page will give you some more ideas for the use of Christmas lighting. The people in New Orleans know how to celebrate. Click on Christmas in New Orleans
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